cydeo program

Java to Job-Ready Developer - Accelerated CYDEO Program

CYDEO, the company that teaches coding to dishwashers and housewives!

Day 01 - 06 - How does programing work?

Day 01 - 04 - What is program and programming language?

Why do you use Java instead of another language?

Welcome to CYDEO

Free SDET Training Series: A must-watch before getting started.

Five habits of highly effective SDETs | CYDEO School Video Series | Coding bootcamp |

Personal Workout Trainer to Tech Professional in 7 months | CYDEO Alumni

Day 02 - 05 - Software Applications Categories: Desktop based, Mobile Based and Web Based

Day 01 - 01 - What is a computer?

Day 07 - 06 - Development of Software Application

We are CYDEO!

Where should you start for a $100K tech salary?

How to Solve Palindrome Problems in Java? | JAVA INTERVIEW QUESTIONS

Tired of standing for hours in a restaurant, I learned how to code


How I Almost Gave Up Learning How To Code

Why are companies still hesitant to switch to Playwright ?

Is AI killing software quality assurance jobs?

Is AI killing software quality assurance jobs?

Day 07 - 01 - Departments in IT and Software Environments

Day 01 - 03 - What is software?

Day 03 - 08 - My First Program and how Java works